Procedures for rain outs:
As you all know the weather in Miami is unpredictable. Our goal is to give every chance to get our practice or game in. If we do have to cancel,
we will report FIELD CLOSURES 1 HOUR before your scheduled practice or game time slot.
If you don't hear from us an hour before your practice or game, we will make the call at the field.
If we are in a lightning delay when you arrive, stay in your vehicle until the all clear horn sounds.
To receive up to the minute text reminders about FIELD CLOSURES, please CLICK HERE and register your cell phone numbers.
We cancel practices and games due to:
(1) lightning, driving rain, or other conditions making play dangerous or impractical
(2) Standing water that can cause injury and damage the fields.
We may cancel practices and games on some fields and not others; cancellation may occur at any time.
We strongly advise that coaches and parents to check their emails 1 hour before your scheduled practice time slot.
Park Rules & Regulations / General Policy
Lightning Warning System
To ensure the safety of all patrons, the City of Miami Shores provides a lighting warning system for the Miami Shores Park. The system emits a siren/horn blast to warn patrons when field conditions are safe or may threaten the area.
1.) ONE LONG HORN BLAST indicates possible lightning in the area. The park will be closed and all patrons must exit the fields.
2.) THREE SHORTS HORN BLASTS signal the "ALL CLEAR" and the park re-opens depending on field conditions.