Shores Soccer Club is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization base in Miami Shores, FL. We aim to provide opportunities to boys and girls who want to play and excel in competitive travel soccer.



Our Mission:

Our mission is to provide a positive environment to educate and develop youth soccer players through specialized training programs that will promote self-confidence, effort, discipline and integrity. Through our comprehensive curriculum to learning, we believe that the experience our players will have at Miami Shore F.C.  will be beneficial throughout their lives.


Clubs Overview:

Miami Shore Football Club, MSFC established August 2007, is a 501 C (3) non-profit youth athletic organization committed to the development and promotion of youth soccer players boys and girls ages 3 -16 years old. 

MSFC believes that sports should provide an avenue for youth athletes to develop to their fullest potential as athletes and as people. Through our program and cooperation with community service organizations, academic institutes and local businesses, we hope to develop young productive citizens that are inspired to achieve excellence.

In addition to our football activities MSFC will participates in various community activities in order to fulfill its promise as a non-profit youth organization dedicated to playing a role in developing young productive citizens.

Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures



As a member of the Club, you are responsible for your own performance and conduct. The Club expects its players to be honest, reliable and committed to their individual development and the development of the Team. Players are encouraged to communicate openly and freely with coaching staff and their parents about all matters affecting their ability to train or play in games. This includes any injuries, additional commitments, or any other external factors that may affect a player’s performance. At all times, members of the Club are expected to maintain a positive team attitude and a personal sense of sportsmanship and fair play.




Players are expected to work on soccer skills outside of regularly scheduled club practices. Youth players need to get the most out of their touches on the ball year round, whether on a formal or informal basis, in order for them to maximize their development. Specifically, players are expected to practice, in their own time, the skills and techniques learned at training so that they return to the next session able to execute the technique with greater confidence and precision.

Players are expected to be on the field, dressed in the full training uniform (including cleats, shin guards, and drinking water) and ready to train by the scheduled start time for each training session. Players should be well hydrated and should use the bathroom as necessary before the start of practice. Players should not eat a big meal less than 2 hours before practice. A small snack, such as a granola bar or fruit, is preferable.



Players are expected to arrive 50-60 minutes before the scheduled kick-off time for each game. Players should be dressed in full uniform and ready to warm up no later than 35 minutes before kick-off. Players should be well hydrated and should use the bathroom as necessary before the start of every game. Players should not eat a big meal less than 2 hours before a game. A small snack, such as a granola bar or fruit, is preferable.


Players are expected to play to the best of their ability at all times. Players must compete aggressively but fairly. Players must show respect for the rules of the game, opponents, officials, their teammates, and most importantly, themselves. Players who are not on the field are expected to sit and watch their teammates from the bench. Players are expected to support and encourage their teammates and to refrain from yelling out negative criticism at any time. At no time should a player challenge or criticize the decision of an official.


Players must not object to or question a tactical decision (e.g. a player’s position) by their coach before or during the game. If a player wishes to understand the coach’s decision, the player (or parent) may speak with the coach after the game or at the following practice and not at the game. The coach will always provide an honest explanation about his or her decision-making.





Except for scrimmages, there is no guaranteed amount of playing time for competitive league games. The policy of the club is that playing time is a privilege that is earned and not given as of right. Players are competing at all times for starting positions and playing time. There are many factors that can affect the amount of playing time for a particular player. Players must earn their positions by coming to practice, training hard, and displaying an attitude of commitment to their individual development.




Nutrition and rest are the responsibility of the player with the support and guidance of the parents. We expect players to eat nutritious, healthy food in a timely manner so as not to interfere with their performance at practices or games. If you have any questions about proper nutrition, please ask your team coach. While nutrition and diet may not have a significant effect on players under the age of ten, it is very important that players establish good eating habits, knowledge of nutrition for athletic performance, and an overall healthy lifestyle from a young age.


As a player of the Club, you are responsible for your own performance and conduct. The use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco is strictly prohibited and may result in temporary suspension or expulsion from the Club.




Players of the Club are expected to carry themselves with pride, discipline and self-respect both on and off the field. As elite athletes, players are further expected to conduct themselves with dignity and composure at home and at school. Disrespect of adults, including parents and teachers, will not be tolerated. Poor behavior by one player is a bad reflection on teammates and the Club.




Part of the commitment of playing for the Club is a commitment to handling the obligations that a student has in his or her daily life. The Club encourages and promotes academic achievement and recognizes that soccer, without a strong academic foundation, can only get a player so far. Players who wish to play at any collegiate levels must also possess a sound academic record. It is expected that players will do their best in school and will manage their time in order to fulfill their obligations in their primary role as students.






Parental support and involvement in a player’s development through the Club are essential. Parents must be equally committed to their child’s participation in the Club and ensure that players attend all trainings, games, and other team functions.

We understand that there will be times when scheduling conflicts are unavoidable and other commitments will prevail. The Club requires your communication, planning and understanding so that we can minimize conflicts. Each team will present a periodic schedule to allow you time for planning. When a parent or player has an unavoidable conflict, the Club expects timely communication to see if we can make any necessary adjustments. The team coach will make final decisions about scheduling after careful consideration of your needs and those of the Club.


Parents must attend quarterly parent meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to facilitate a direct and continuous flow of communication between parents and coaching staff. The objective of the quarterly parent meetings is to ensure that parents understand the objectives and expectations of Club coaching staff. Similarly, these meetings are a time for coaching staff to understand the expectations of parents.


At each meeting, Academy coaching staff will provide feedback about the team’s progress, and will set out the training objectives and update parents on the team’s schedule. These meetings are also a time for parents to ask questions or express any concerns they may have so we can proactively address them.




The Club has a very strict policy against parents coaching from the sideline. There will be absolutely no coaching by parents at games or practices. Expressions such as “go”, “shoot”, “pass”, “kick it” or “send it” are interpreted by players as instructions and are not desirable. Players are expected to implement certain techniques and make tactical decisions in games. Players are given specific instructions by their coaches who have particular knowledge of every player’s ability and the team’s overall objectives or strategies for the game. Instructions by parents, while well-intentioned, often confuse players, particularly when such instructions conflict with the coach’s instructions. This is counter-productive to a player’s development and to the success of the team as a whole.


The Club also has a strict policy against yelling, complaining or criticizing referees or other game officials during or after games.




Parents must refrain, at all times, from criticizing players or “moaning” with disappointment when a player makes a mistake. Players know when they make mistakes (especially bad ones). Mistakes are an important part of a player’s education of the game and individual development. The Club teaches players how to recover from mistakes (both physically and emotionally) and how to capitalize on mistakes as part of the player’s learning process.




Please respect the decisions of the team coach and do not vocalize any negative remarks, whether to other parents or players, about coaching decisions. The Club’s first priority is the long-term growth and development of its players as individuals along with their soccer ability under pressure. There will be times when coaches make decisions and players are instructed to do things that parents will not understand. At the younger ages, team and player development will be given greater priority than winning. Parents must understand these objectives and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with this philosophy in order to maintain a healthy team environment. Playing only to win, without focusing on individual player development or the development of the team as a whole, will ultimately hamper the process by which players develop into competitive athletes.




The Club believes in and teaches players the benefits of mental toughness. Players will develop the ability to manage their emotions and maintain their focus through a variety of conditions outside of their control. Coaches will teach players to overcome adverse conditions such as poor refereeing, name calling, foul language, dirty play, cheating, poor weather, negative behavior by parents or opponents, etc. We expect our players (as well as our coaches and parents) to have the same mental toughness.




Parents will exercise good judgment and conduct themselves in an exemplary fashion on all soccer related occasions. Parents will not harass referees or opposing players and parents. Constant dissent from parents toward referees does harm to the team and is not in the spirit of the game. Improper behavior will not be tolerated and removal from the match and from the club may be enforced. Parents will refrain from COACHING FROM THE SIDELINES, as many times it is in direct conflict with the instructions that players receive from their coach and causes confusion and problems during the game.  In general, parental behavior both on and off the field that is detrimental to team and /or club spirit, or interfere in achieving team and/or club goals may result in removal of BOTH the player and parent from membership in the club.                                                 


Although it is our intent to honor the commitment to play with the Shores Soccer Club for the entire seasonal year, we understand that by accepting the position offered and completing the registration documents, we are obligated to pay the full program cost.  Additionally, we understand that we will share in team expenses above and beyond the club program costs noted above, to cover entry fees to tournaments that the team decides to participate in, referee fees, and our travel costs associated with attending these events. The team may seek and receive donations or fundraise to defray these expenses as well.  I understand that all funds collected will be credited to the club account to be used for such club expenses. These funds remain with the Shores Soccer Club should the player decide to leave the club.  


We will not release any player after they have signed on to play with our Club. The only option for release is to pay the entire balance on player account plus the release fee of $300.00 and any other fees associated with the release. This is strict policy and will not be waived.


We have a NO REFUND POLICY. Please make sure you understand everything before committing to our program. 


Parents are asked to give time, money and support to our program. Your comments and suggestions regarding your team are regarded with great respect and your support is crucial to the team concept. However please understand that the final decisions regarding what is in the best interest of the entire team ultimately rests with the coach, Director and Club Manager.   "As a member of a club, I realize that my son/daughter is part of more than just a team but a member of an entire club organization committed to excellence in soccer education; and that membership is a privilege not a right; and as part of that membership I agree to commit to the club's vision, mission, and goals and will contribute to it's implementation and success". “We agree with the conditions set forth in this document and pledge our full support in promoting the Shores Soccer, our team, and the ideals that have been established. Failure to adhere to these conditions set forth can result in the possible suspension or dismissal from the club.”  

Club Sponsors

Club Sponsors

Dear Future Sponsor,


Let me take this opportunity to introduce you to the Shores Soccer Club (SHS). We are a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that has been operating since 2007 with an annual enrollment base of over 17 Competitive soccer Teams between the ages of 5 - 16. The purpose of this program is to provide our youth with the opportunity and training necessary to learn fundamental soccer skills, the importance of teamwork & sportsmanship, and the overall enjoyment of soccer at all levels. We also play a vital role in educating coaches, educating parents about their role in youth sports, organizing teams to play in league games, State & Regional tournaments, and organizing soccer academies and summer camps.


The Shores Soccer Club and the dedicated volunteers are busy preparing for the 2018 season, and we’re writing to ask for your financial support. Together we can provide the youth in our community with an opportunity to participate in a top-quality soccer program that emphasizes sportsmanship and team-building in a fun and healthy environment. Your financial support is very important to our soccer club and is necessary to provide quality education.


This year our goal is to raise $10,000 dollars to help purchase the following items below:


  • Two (2) sets of training academy soccer goals 
  • Canopies/tents and home field team benches
  • Helping to fund the scholarship foundation to help families in need of assistance
  • Educational programs,  continuing education clinics, and License requirements for coaches
  • Equipment for each team, including balls, cones, flags, small sided game goals and nets


If you have any questions regarding our Travel Soccer Program or Sponsorships, please feel free to

contact me at (305) 962-6888.


Respectfully yours,



David Ocampo

Shores Soccer Managing Director

(305) 962-6888 /

Parents Corner

Parents Corner

FYSA Parents

Parents play a vital role in the success of our student athletes and the Soccer Club. From time to time we will post articles and resources here that will help educate parents on sports injuires, nutrition, and other information that will help parents stay up to date.


Concussion information from the CDC:


Responsible Pre-Game Preparation:


Teaching good sportsmanship:


Parenting an athlete:

Rain Out Policy

Rain Out Policy

Procedures for rain outs:

As you all know the weather in Miami is unpredictable. Our goal is to give every chance to get our practice or game in. If we do have to cancel,

we will report FIELD CLOSURES 1 HOUR before your scheduled practice or game time slot.


If you don't hear from us an hour before your practice or game, we will make the call at the field.  

If we are in a lightning delay when you arrive, stay in your vehicle until the all clear horn sounds. 

To receive up to the minute text reminders about FIELD CLOSURES, please CLICK HERE and register your cell phone numbers.


We cancel practices and games due to: 

(1) lightning, driving rain, or other conditions making play dangerous or impractical

(2) Standing water that can cause injury and damage the fields.

We may cancel practices and games on some fields and not others; cancellation may occur at any time.

We strongly advise that coaches and parents to check their emails 1 hour before your scheduled practice time slot.



Park Rules & Regulations / General Policy

Lightning Warning System

To ensure the safety of all patrons, the City of Miami Shores provides a lighting warning system for the Miami Shores Park. The system emits a siren/horn blast to warn patrons when field conditions are safe or may threaten the area. 


1.) ONE LONG HORN BLAST indicates possible lightning in the area. The park will be closed and all patrons must exit the fields.


2.) THREE SHORTS HORN BLASTS signal the "ALL CLEAR" and the park re-opens depending on field conditions. 

Age Classification

Age Classification



Would you like to Referee?







Does your family love soccer?

How would you, your spouse, or your teenager like to Referee, learn more about soccer, develop leadership skills, and earn a little money?  Shores Soccer Club is always looking for referees for the soccer season. 
This is what new referees do:
       Attend a referee course in the summer to learn the rules, the hand and flag signals, and how to “run” a game;
       Get a nice, bright, colorful uniform;
       Start out refereeing the younger age groups where the pace and pressure levels are lower;
       Progress to older age groups and more competitive leagues as skill and experience levels increase;
       Earn $$ per game for being around the game of soccer and having fun!
This is what is required of you:
       You must attend a training course and pass the final test;
       You must be willing to be assertive and take charge of the games you referee
       You must be responsible and show up for the games that you agree to referee


To learn more about becoming a referee, please contact:


David Ocampo


Referee Course Information:


Staff Members

2018 Season

Staff Members




Download Club Forms

Download Club Forms



1. Medical Release Waiver

2. Possible Concussion or Head Injury Notification

3. Concussion Procedure and Protocol

4. FYSA Guest Player Form

5. W9 Form




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Yogen Fruz

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